Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Match Down!

3 Cheers for HCIVB! Yes, it appears my missing of 2 periods of LA was not wasted today, for our team won the first match of the West Zone C boys Season! (Against Clementi Town Secondary School) Well, for those of you who like maths, here are the statistics. (Caution: Big numbers Ahead):

Ist Game: 25 - 12
2nd Game: 25 - 12

Hah, I bet even Albert Einstien won't be able to comphrehend these sophisticated scores. (Like, how can a person celebrating his 55th death anniversary think?)

Anyway, I thought it was quite a waste of time, as in: I might as well not have gone and they still would have "owned" the opposing school. I missed so many important things because of this match: Like -

1) 2 periods of valuable english lesson
2) My first session (and will miss the second) of OPSL (Ortus Peer Support Leaders)
3) My Briefing for helping out in the NYPS annual camp.

Of course, i'm not denying that the match was the most important of all, but i felt that my presence was not necessary and they could have won without me and I could have gone for 2 extra periods of english lessons, OPSL and an important briefing. Hah, how "win-win" Dr Hon should be proud of me. :D

Well, I guess I should console myself now. Good luck for the coming few matches Mingxia, you can do it! Do your best! "Jia you!" All the way!


1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha... sometimes sacrifices need to be made, and you have tough decisions to make. It's all about weighing the pros and the cons.

    If I were you, I would have definitely gone for the competition. You could have always found out from your friends what was going on during LA, and OPSL isn't exactly worth it (the non-existent enthusiasm of the S1s are definitely a putting off factor) and so on. Representing your school is a thing to proud of. (:

    anyway, on a lighter note, congratulations!
