Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Ball Is Round

The ball is round and we all know that. In sports terms, this means that anything is possible during a ball game. And I have experienced that for myself today.

Today after school, The Volleyball B' Division Team went down to Clementi Town Secondary to Play a very important match against The home team, Clementi Town Secondary School. What was so important about this match? You may ask, so I will tell you.

A week ago, our volleyball B'division team had already lost a match against Bukit Panjang Government High, Which meant that we would be "kicked" out of our group, unable to join the Semi-finals of the West Zone Volleyball Championships, If we lost another match.

One of Clementi Town's Players earned the Most Valuable Player award 2 years ago when they were playing in the C' Division (14 and under). Thus, this match would prove to be an extremely challenging but crucial one.

It was also an extremely important match for Clementi Town as well, as they too, faced the situation of being defeated by Bukit Panjang Government High School, and would not be eligible to enter the semi-finals if they lost this match. To add on, their C'Division had already lost 2 matches and would not be entering the semi-finals, so all of the School's hopes were pinned on them.

Therefore, with both sides having a strong desire to achieve and struggle for that spot in the semi-finals, what ensued was a Truly Adreline pumping and Raging battle.

But today, the C' Division team was there to cheer them on, to give them our moral support and morale to continue the game no matter what happened. But of course, being skeptical me, I did not expect a victory over the "Kings of the west zone"

On the first set, all the players fought tooth and nail for every single point they could achieve, and the set ended up in a deuce of 27 - 29, in Clementi Town's favour. At this point, I thought that we would not be able to make it, aas we had already lost half of the battle. Nevertheless, the C'boys still cheered enthusiastically and louder than before. (Yes, our sore throats can attest to that)

However, on the second set, our team managed to gain the upper hand. Spikes were exchanged; recieved, set and delivered back again stronger than ever. In this set, we managed to clinch a victory over Clementi town's home team. It now all depended on our third and final set.

Finally, our team overcame the odds and beat our opponents to the 25 point mark in the final set with renewed vigour. During the last few points, my feet were literally trembling with excitement as I could not believe my eyes. we were actually winning by a few points! What I had imagined impossible was being presented right before my eyes! The impossible had happened!

After the match, the Star player from the opposing school was overcome by emotion and broke down. No doubt it had been an exciting and long match, lasting for a good 1 and a half hours. Both teams had done extremely well in their performance today and I felt that it was a really excellent match played. Both schools performed to their utmost best.

Well, maybe you find the story and adjetives cliche, but everything that transpired today was true, a first-hand account of an eyewitness at the scene, yours truly.

I would like to thank all the Volleyball people at the match, the C' boys for cheering so enthusiastically and hyping up the B'boys' morale and the B'boys, for playing that absolutely wonderful match and trying your match. Today would not have been possible without you guys! What I thought to be a match already lost from the beginning turned out in an enourmous comeback victory for us!

And by the way, after the match, a girl from Clementi Town asked for one of my senior's number. Another little victory for him! :D

So I say, the ball is round, anything can happen when in sports :)

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Lim MX

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