Saturday, February 6, 2010

2O1, Our class bond......

Recently, many students have broken into heated discussions over the class spirit of our class, 2o1. Yes, it is the sad truth. Our class is a broken up class with weak bonds, and I find it really sad. These are my thoughts:
What I believe would be great would be that 2O1 would become a clique in itself. not that everybody would be friends with each other, but at least its 28 friends and 6 other stubborn people who want splendid isolation, and the class is not split into cube-sized pieces of 4,6,3,5,2,3,2 e.t.c Therefore, I believe that a common topic of discussion would really bond us together. An example would be how mousehunt has bonded some classes together, but that would be really pathetic, seeing as mousehunt is a silly facebook application. (this is just an example)

Well, maybe the Welfare Secretary could organize some class outings together, which definitely would increase class spirit, as having fun with a group of friends usually increases bonding right? You do notice that throughout the whole of last year, we never had a single class fun outing together apart from school excursions. Having fun or striving to reach a common goal as one team or class definitely bonds people no matter the personalities people have. I parallel this to my volleyball team, as although we have different personalities, we are still bonded, having faced many challenges together. As to what activities, maybe Minghao could brief you guys more?......

Well, what i want is to be just like in a neighborhood, where people may not actually be BFF's or whatever, but still, they open up their doors to people of different natures, customs and personalities. That is my ideal visuallisation of a bonded class, as it is true that not all people can socialise with others extremely well.

Thus, I appeal to all of you: Anybody has any suggestions to improve our dying class spirit? Please share your ideals for our class or suggestions if you have any.

Yours Sincerely,
Lim MX
sad, sad monitor of a broken class. :(


  1. Dear Ming Xia,

    You have stated that coming together with common topics is a way of bonding us together, but the existence of social groups is precisely because of the lack of common topics. In short, your solution banks on the cause of the flaw of our current situation, which renders it quite useless. I must say beforehand that while I do understand the importance of unity, I am also a firm believer and defender of individualism, or rather, the importance of self-interests. Blame in on my pessimism. In any case, on behalf of the 6 you have mentioned, whoever they are meant to be, I would like to say that there is nothing wrong with splendid isolation. It is human nature, and in fact the way of life, to put self-interests over community ones. Darwinism and evolution theory clearly indicates that the weak of the society will only get wiped out in the end. It is nature, to protect yourself, and your own existence, at whatever cost it takes. Survival is every living creature's top priority, and just because humans are deemed to be more advanced than the other types of living things does not allow them to escape this pattern of life. Besides, class spirit is essentially just another form of self-interest. A higher authority put us together as a community. If the community progress, we progress too. In short, the purpose of a united community, is still, in the end, for one's own benefits, whether you know it consciously or subconsciously. Sometimes doing nothing is better than meddling with things you should not meddle with.

  2. Dear Hui Ming,
    Thank you for your deep thoughts on our class situation. However, I would disagree with a portion of what you have said. Even if nature is such that we are so self-centred and live for survival and self interests, then how come it is possible for other classes to have such a strong class bond and spirit? Also, I do believe that topics can and most of the time, are created. I mean, take a good look at this world that we live in: everyday, newspapers come up with new and explosive which have an impact on everybody, young or old. Every single day, new games are being created, new records are being broken and gossip flows freely. How then can there be a lack of topics? And if the purpose of a united community is ultimately for one's own benefits, all the more should we form one, as we all stand to gain from it. Unity is Strength and we all know it, thus is my purpose for trying to forge a stronger bond between 2O1 students. the problem now is that people are refusing even to interact with each other, so i state the neighbourhood example, where we are currently a neighbourhood which shuts doors to its neighbours, which is a problem. And just for the record, 6 is purely an example of a random number and does not refer to anyone in particular. (and so are the other numbers above) Hope you understand the point i am putting across here. Thanks and tell me what you think.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Lim MX

  3. I quote my senior "When there is power, there is resistance - paradoxically, no conscious attempt to unite a social group is going to meet with success unless it is mutual"

    Self explanatory.

    Are we willing to give in and accept other's behaviors?


  4. Ming Xia

    I agree with Hui Ming. His somewhat pessimist viewpoints are correct to a certain extent. We are man, we are selfish.

    I can't think of anybody who will be the sacrificial lamb who steps out and says "Hey we gotta bond as a class!" when the entire population of 2O1 is against, or unbothering towards this issue.

    Will you be the sacrificial lamb? The fact I use the term 'sacrificial lamb', means that I'm pretty certain I myself haven't the courage to do such a thing.

    Dare you? There aren't many Atticus Finches around.


  5. I fully agree with Tze Han's quote.

    Besides, we are all just too different to make even the slightest attempt at a class bond.

    There are those who spend free periods mousehunting, or SMS-ing their intimate love partners whilist screaming 'you δΈ’!" across the classroom, while there are those who bury themselves in their books, bla bla bla.

    We are just too different to understand each other. I never understood what 'ji lat gat' (remember last year) meant at all until I heard from my friend. We are not comfortable being around people of different personalities; I feel awkward working in a project with the mousehunting group.

    Cliques are natural; it would be awkward if the whole of 2O1 were one giant clique. I strongly suggest you watch Mean Girls; the whole high school is divided into cliques.

    all in all, as long as we refuse to step out of our clique's comfort zones, class bond is a dream gone by.

    ryan. (: / ):
